Engineered and
Built to Order

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Capacity: 10 - 100 HP

Fuel Capabilities: #2 Oil, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Propane

Pass: 3-pass

Tube Type: Rifled Tubes

Steam Design Pressure: From 15 psig

Hot Water Design Pressure: From 30 psig


General Description

Superior boilers are designed for maximum efficiency, reliability and durability in today’s most demanding environments. Each boiler is custom designed to fit your specific site and application requirements.


  • Available with NOx reduction technology to 9 ppm
  • Burner efficiencies to 84%
  • Low maintenance
  • Compact, exceptional value
  • Large furnace and rear turnaround volume for complete combustion
  • Bolted front and rear doors for total fireside access
  • Able to fit through a standard door with 36″ width
  • Available with NOx reduction technology to 9 ppm. The Arrowhead is the intelligent option for your particular needs.


  • Customized, proven package burner solution
  • Handholes for waterside access
  • Factory installed gas train available with FM, GE-GAP, NFPA-85, UL and other approvals
  • Structural steel skid available with optional removable skids, jacking pads and seismic design
  • Front/Rear door gaskets made of ceramic fiber
  • Three pass rifled tube design for maximum efficiency


To make the highest quality boiler on the market, we began with quality-in-design. The tube sheet, furnace, tubes and other critical components are designed to exceed the ASME code to provide longevity, reliability, efficiency, and quality. These components include:
— Tubesheets exceeding the ASME code thickness by 25% in low pressure units and 33% in high pressure units with standard 3/4″ ligament spacing.
–Tubes 10% thicker than ASME code requirements
— Furnace is 21% greater in size than other boilers, in both length and diameter, designed to contain the flame within the furnace and to protect the rear tubesheet against overheating.
— High pressure steam boilers include a corrugated furnace to combat the negative effects of expansion and contraction.

Whether we are cutting steel, welding tubesheets to pressure vessels, insulating pressure vessels with two inch 8-lb density mineral fiber, painting galvanized 22 gauge steel jackets with 500°F enamel or piping a gas train, we tailor our products to exceed ASME standards.


Packaged boilers are trimmed with necessary safeties and code piping and signed off on by code inspectors. Factory mounted and wired, proven and reliable packaged burners are available from your choice of burner manufacturer. All Superior firebox boilers are low fire tested and can be full factory firetested to check electrical components for proper operation, ensure smooth ignition, and allow quicker field startups.