Capacity: 350 - 800 HP
Fuel Capabilities: Digestor Gas, Fuel Oil, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Other Fuels
Steam Design Pressure: Up to 600 psig
Hot Water Design Pressure: Up to 600 psig
General Description
The Iroquois is a multipass steam & hot water flextube and is available for steam (low & high pressure) and hot water (low & high temperature) applications.
- Available for steam (low & high pressure) and hot water (low & high temperature) applications
- Convertible configuration from steam to hot water
- Compact footprint
- Patented Design
- Optional radiant superheater available
- Operating efficiency of 85% hot water, 83% low pressure steam
- Multipass pass tangent tube design
- No ASME code stamps required for optional field assembly design
- Tapered ferrule/header connection for ease of alignment, installation and removal requiring no on-site welding or rolling of tube into headers required (ASME Section I & IV)
- Ferrules fastened to the tube by robotic welder, assuring uniform quality
- Multiple staggered pitch convection section, 5 – passes standard
- Removable panels for tube access (no welding or torching required)
- All boiler tubes in accordance with ASME Code. All tubes are 1.5” OD available in ERW or seamless
100% Furnace water-cooled membrane wall construction
Air-tight full membraned front, rear, and side exterior walls
0.25″ thick membrane fin plate
All drilled drum holes are grooved
Minimum tube thickness exceeds ASME requirements:
– 0.105″ min. wall convection tubes
– 0.120″ min. wall furnace tubes
Economizer designed and built by Superior
All ladders and platforms are fit and bolted to boiler then disassembled for shipment
Packaged boilers are trimmed with necessary safeties and code piping and signed off on by code inspectors. Factory mounted and wired, proven and reliable packaged burners are available from your choice of burner manufacturer.