Scripps Mercy Hospital with campuses in San Diego and Chula Vista is known for providing outstanding care. They are now in the midst of a major expansion, which includes a complete new central steam plant that must meet the NEW strict Seismic regulations.
The initial plan called for the existing older style 350 HP dryback firetube boilers to be relocated from the old facility to the new central steam plant.
The hospital compared the cost of moving the older boiler with new Ultra Low NOx Controls against providing a new Superior Super Seminole boiler with factory packaged Ultra Low NOx Burners.

The higher efficiency provided by a new Superior wetback design and advanced controls allowed the hospital to qualify for generous rebates helping to offset the cost of the new equipment.
After a thorough economic evaluation, the hospital selected the new 350 HP Superior boiler with Ultra Low NOx Burners. In 2010, the boilers were emission tested by the local Air District.
As quoted from the installing contractor; “The boilers passed with flying colors, the NOx emission was less than 6 ppm through the tested firing range. There was virtually no CO in the exhaust as well.”