Sometimes it takes a while to get a great application, but this perfect Triad job was well worth the three-year wait. The Jackson-Gore Resort, in Ludlow, VT, is a new 250,000 square foot full-service condo/hotel that includes 117 residential units, a 390-seat cafeteria, a 280-seat lounge, and a 210-seat restaurant built to accommodate skiers both day and night. The development also includes a conference center, childcare/learning center, a ski rental and repair shop, a fitness center with an indoor/outdoor pool, sauna, steam room and locker rooms, and a 113-car underground parking facility.
But most importantly, Triad boilers are behind all this quiet comfort.
This resort is a wonderful addition to the area. The original vision of the architect was to mirror the warmth and grandeur of the old classic resorts that were built nearby during America’s golden age – only with all the amenities available today. The exterior clapboard and stone facade feature balconies and rooflines that give Jackson-Gore an elegant presence within the mountain setting.

This is one job where Triad boilers were used for every application—comfort heat via a closed loop heat pump system, domestic hot water, high temp water, snowmelt, and swimming pool heat. The engineers, architects and owners were impressed by the breadth of duty provided by the Triad units.
Phase One used fourteen Series 900 Triad boilers, with Phase Two of five more expansions already on the table. On final completion, Jackson Gore will include 16 trails, 4 lifts and a gondola, a 30% increase in ski able terrain, and a complete base facility and services, heated by additional Triad boilers.
This job had been in the planning stages for years, with bids constantly going over budget, until our team brought together everyone’s concerns—for cost, quiet and dependability—by using the Triad boilers.